6.10. ExercisesΒΆ
seq-11-1 Write a program that will print out the length of each item in the list as well as the first and last characters of the item.weather = ["sunny", "cloudy", "partially sunny", "rainy", "storming", "windy", "foggy", "snowy", "hailing"] --- for condition in weather: --- print("The word is", len(condition), "characters") --- first_char = condition[0] last_char = condition[-1] --- print("The first character is: " + first_char) print("The last character is: " + last_char)
seq-11-2 Write code to determine how many t's are in the following sentences.phrases = ["My, what a lovely day today is!", "Have you mastered cooking yet? A tasty treat could be in your future.", "Have you ever seen the leaves change color?"] --- for sentence in phrases: --- print(sentence.count("t"))
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